You-ology: A Puberty Guide for Every Body by Melisa Holmes, MD, FACOG; Trish Hutchison, MD, FAAP; Kathryn Lowe, MD, FAAP
What if learning about changing bodies wasn’t secretive or shameful? And what if it could even be inclusive, fun, and, well, kind of adorable? A new kind of puberty guide, You-ology embraces an inclusive approach that normalizes puberty for all kids. For curious kids and parents looking to talk about puberty in an inclusive way, You-ology offers fact-based, age appropriate, and body positive information about the physical, social, and emotional changes ahead for all kids.
The note to parents in the book’s opening won me over. It asks if we remembered gender-segregated puberty education. (awful, awkward, and not very helpful.) And it addresses what makes this book different:
“In this book, we provide medically accurate, age-appropriate information about how puberty works for everybody. We feature short stories from everyday kids to normalize common challenges. We explain the physical and emotional changes of puberty in kid-friendly language. Yes, girls will learn about erections and sperm. Yes, boys will learn about periods. Everyone will get hygiene tips. And we explain puberty for transgender and gender-diverse kids because even if you haven’t personally experienced gender diversity in your own family, your child is certain to have a friend or classmate who is gender diverse.”
I read the entire advanced readers copy, provided by the publisher, American Academy of Pediatrics, and I was really impressed. I hope you’ll check it out.
The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,