Here’s what the “Stand with Trans Kids in Texas” petition put out by Equality California says:
“[At the end of February 2022], Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a directive to investigate and prosecute parents of transgender children and their healthcare providers.
“He has labeled the parents of transgender children – who support their children on their journey to be the best and whole person they can be – as child abusers.
“Already, we’re seeing brave district attorneys across Texas publicly defy this order. And today, we’re collecting petition signatures to stand with them.”
The mayor of Palm Springs, California, Lisa Middleton, who is a Trans Woman herself, wrote in a letter asking for folks to sign the petition:
Right now, parents who are supportive of their transgender children are terrified that their children could be ripped from their homes and placed in foster care.
Please try to understand what it means to be the parent of a transgender child.
Imagine the tears throughout the family as your child told you their truth — their most difficult, essential, and personal truth. A truth unlike anything you had ever known.
You then have a choice: Can I, and do I, stand with my child? You make the choice to support your child and give them the best opportunity to be the best person they could be.
And now the governor of Texas wants to prosecute you for supporting your child.
Now, try to imagine the transgender child in each of those Texan families. Imagine what their heart is telling them as they watch every person they love struggle with confronting a law that directly attacks their families.
I hope you’ll consider signing Equality California’s petition, and doing more, to fight for Trans youth in Texas. This brought to mind a bumper sticker slogan I recall seeing a lot of back in 2016. Sadly, it’s still relevant:
“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.”
The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,
update – Lambda Legal just reported that “Texas Court Blocks State from Investigating Families of Transgender Youth”
Good news!