External validation feels scary. To let it influence my internal measure of the worth of what I’ve done makes me feel open to being crushed if those external opinions aren’t what I hope to hear. But shifting the focus off my ego and onto the work feels a better path. Did the book succeed in what I hoped the book would do?
This very thoughtful and remarkable review in the New York Times (released digitally on Wednesday Nov 24, 2021) and then in the Sunday Nov 28, 2021 print edition by Laurel Snyder says YES in the most articulate, lovely way. My adorable husband insisted we video me reading it for the first time – it’s my first New York Times review ever, and it’s for my first picture book – and so I have a moment to remember, and to share with you all: Click here to watch the video.
And you can read the review online here: Not Your Traditional Hanukkah/Christmas Picture Book.
Feeling so, so grateful. The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,