Summer 2022 Update

Lee Wind Summer 2022 update graphic - listing 1-5 numbered photos, highlights to share - please read the full post for details.

Hi, community!

The last few months have been full of many things, but not blogging… So, here are some fun highlights of what’s been going on:

#1 The International Literacy Association chose NO WAY, THEY WERE GAY? as the winner of their Young Adult Nonfiction Award! They explain the award is to recognize “newly published authors who show unusual promise in the children’s and young adults’ book field.” It’s a huge compliment and honor, and I’m delighted.

#2 When I was at the Annual Conference of the American Library Association in Washington, D.C. in June, I spotted the Junior Library Guild booth and team. As NO WAY, THEY WERE GAY? was a Junior Library Guild selection, they asked me to pose for a picture, with a #JLGauthor sign and a copy of my book. Such a proud moment! (I remember meeting them years ago and telling them that one day, I hoped I would have a book receive that distinction… and here it manifested!)

#3 Over at the SCBWI blog, we had three months of wonderful guest posts, from translator and author Lawrence Schimel, author and illustrator Ellie Peterson, and bookseller and author Zoë “Moth” Detlaf. Sharing the platform so these three wonderful creatives could shine the spotlight on what they wanted to share with the audience of folks passionate about creating books for children and teens was a joy… as was reading their contributions!

#4 My book spotted in the wild! Well, not really the wild… But I did have the wonderful experience of walking into an Indie Bookstore — Book Culture on Broadway in New York City, and having a great discussion with the cool crew working there. (They had a bunch of really great Queer YA in the window.) And then, in the children’s picture book section, I spotted two copies of RED AND GREEN AND BLUE AND WHITE! (Okay, I admit, I was looking. I always look for my books at indie bookstores, and, well, usually I just buy someone else’s book and acknowledge to myself that I’m not a famous or bestselling author… yet.) Anyway, seeing my book on their shelf (fully acknowledging it was there because the brilliant Paul O. Zelinsky is a famous and bestselling illustrator, and it’s really OUR book!) was a thrill, and I even got to sign the copies. (They promptly put “autographed copy” stickers on each.)

#5 I took some much-needed time off this summer, to rest, spend time with family, and read! Some of the best titles I enjoyed are Queer kid and teen books I enthusiastically recommend, including:

Graphic with the text "I filled my creative well with some time off and... some awesome Queer Kid and Teen books I'm happy to recommend! Covers of 8 books shown: My Sister, Daisy; BunnyBear; Strong; The Last Cuentista; I Kissed Shara Wheeler; Be Dazzled; The Loophole; Jay's Gay Agenda.

My Sister, Daisy by Adria Karlsson, illustrated by Linus Curci – Daisy’s older brother adjusts to his sibling’s coming out as Trans.

Bunnybear by Andrea J. Loney, illustrated by Carmen Saldaña – A Bear who feels more like a bunny makes a friend… a bunny who feels more like a bear.

Strong by Rob Kearney and Eric Rosswood, illustrated by Nidhi Chanani – A Stereotype-Breaking Picture Book about the life (and love) of Gay Strongman Rob Kearney.

The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera – Petra’s Hispanic hertitage – and her grandmother’s stories – are the only chance to save humanity in this dystopian science fiction novel that won the Newbery Award. (There is some queer representation in the cast of this middle grade novel.)

I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston – A contemporary Queer YA Romance with a Bi main character Chloe, a Queer Cast of Friends, and Chloe’s missing nemesis…

Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala – Two ex-boyfriends, Raffy and Luca, compete in an epic costume contest.

The Loophole by Naz Kutub – Sy is a gay muslim teen desperate to get back the love he lost… and gets helped by a genie (or maybe just a really rich teenage girl) on the adventure.

Jay’s Gay Agenda by Jason June – The only out Gay kid in his high school, Jay has a list of firsts he wants to experience someday… and then he moves with his family to Seattle, where there are other gay teens… and Jay’s “Gay Agenda” is on!

That’s it for September! More next month,
stay safe,


My New Books!

cover of "Love of the Half-Eaten Peach"
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow

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