Upcoming meetings for Fall/Winter 2021 will be held at 10am-11:30am Pacific on:
Sunday September 12, 2021
Sunday October 3, 2021
Sunday November 7, 2021
Sunday December 5, 2021
Sunday January 9, 2022
If you’re a Queer kid lit creator (writer, illustrator, and/or translator) and you’d like to join the Queer KidLit Creators group, just email me at leewind (at) roadrunner (dot) com. And I’ll be in touch about it soon.
Please note, I’m grateful to all our allies, but this is a group just for people who identify as part of the Queer community and who create children’s and teen literature.
I’m so grateful for this gathering of our creative community.
The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,