Out on the Shelves – a really cool resource from New Zealand listing hundreds of LGBTQIA+ Books for kids and teens

I’m really excited to both discover and share Out on the Shelves’s online resource. I really love how they include the native terms in their description of who they are and who they’re focused on helping:

Out on the Shelves is run by InsideOUT, a national charity with the vision for all rainbow young people in Aotearoa New Zealand to have a sense of belonging and safety in their schools and communities. 

We are here to support young people with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, asexual, aromantic, takatāpui, whakawahine, tangata ira tane, fa’afafine, mahu, vakasalewalewa, palopa, akava’ine, fakaleiti, fiafifine and fakafifine identities as well as everyone in between, not sure or who prefers a different label or even none at all! We use the words ‘rainbow’, ‘LGBTQIA+’ and ‘minority sexualities, genders and sex characteristics’ to refer to people that might identify in these ways.

There’s also this really lovely under 2 minute video they did:

Check out the books listed on their site – I know I’ll be exploring them! My thanks to Words matter @JennyKayNZ on Twitter for the heads-up about this resource!

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,


  1. jean-christophe

    Okay got it here is the full detail if you have a way to communicate with them to let them know of this issue. It’s in French (because I am) but it’s quite clear even if you don’t speak the language: “Les sites web justifient leur identité par des certificats. Firefox ne fait pas confiance à ce site, car il utilise un certificat qui n’est pas valide pour wordpress-536064-1712430.cloudwaysapps.com. Le certificat est seulement valide pour les noms suivants : outontheshelves.insideout.org.nz, http://www.outontheshelves.insideout.org.nz

    Code d’erreur : SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN

    Afficher le certificat”

  2. Lee Wind

    Hi Jean-Christophe, I hit that message as well, but I clicked through and it all worked fine. Maybe there was a technical certificate (or something similiar) that expired and needs to be renewed? thanks for the heads-up!

    • jean-christophe

      Thanks for your reply. The message I get states that my personal passwords, credit cards number etc might be stolen by outside parties. It is weird as blogs are supposedly under the WordPress umbrella (if I might say so) and should be protected by WordPress itself and not each and every single blog doing its own security check!

  3. jean-christophe

    Hello, it seems to be a high-security risk when trying to connect with Out on Shelves. Firefox prevent any connection to the site. Maybe you should let them know. John

My New Books!

cover of "Love of the Half-Eaten Peach"
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow

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