Join Me (and Zarqa Yaftali, Malala Yousafzai, and Shaharzad Akbar) and Sign This Petition to Allow Afghan Girls Their Education

It seems shocking that in 2021, an entire country can deny millions of young people their education because of their gender. As the petition says, “Afghanistan is now the only country in the world that forbids girls’ education.”

You can read more, and add your name to the petition here.

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,


My New Books!

cover of "Love of the Half-Eaten Peach"
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow

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