Hold – Dealing With the Death of His Sister, Teenage Luke Discovers He Can Stop Time – and There’s Only One Other Teen Guy Who Doesn’t Stop Moving… (Quite the Way To Meet & Crush On Another Guy!)

Hold by Leigh Rachel Davidson

Luke Aday knew that his sister’s death was imminent–she had been under hospice care for months–but that didn’t make her death any easier on him or their family. He returns to school three days after the funeral to a changed world; his best friends welcome him back with open arms, but it isn’t the same. When a charismatic new student, Eddie Sankawulo, tries to welcome Luke to his own school, something life-changing happens: In a moment of frustration, Luke runs into an empty classroom, hurls his backpack against the wall–and the backpack never lands. Luke Aday has just discovered that he can stop time.

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