I’m a giant fan of the RED AND GREEN AND BLUE AND WHITE picture book illustrator, Paul O. Zelinsky, and he created this brilliant activity page (click here to download.)

What’s so cool is that kids can fill in the windows with all Christmas trees and one Menorah, just like how the story starts. Or, they can draw a community that’s the reverse, with all Chanukah decorations and one Christmas tree. Or, they could draw all cats and one dog (or all dogs and one cat). Or all families eating pizza and one eating sushi (or all eating sushi and one pizza.) The great thing is that it gets kids to think about how we can have differences and still live together in harmony. That we can still be a community. And in a lot of ways, our diversity is awesome!
If you do the exercise with your kids at home or in your classroom or library, and you’d like to share the artwork with me, I’d love to see it and share it as well! (You can email me at leewind (at) roadrunner (dot) com or tag me on Instagram.)
Thanks, and stay safe, all!
The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,