Donate a Copy of A DIFFERENT KIND OF BRAVE to Empower LGBTQIA2+ Teens

Graphic with photos of Brave Trails campers, with the headline: "Donate a Copy to LGBTQ+ Youth" a QR code and instructions that are in the text below this image.

Watch the launch day video here (or scroll down to view it)

It’s Launch day for my very first traditionally published YA novel (a full 20 years since I started this writing for kids and teens journey in earnest), and A DIFFERENT KIND OF BRAVE is very much a book that would have changed my life if I’d read it when I was a teenager.

To read an action adventure story that pays homage to and critiques the spy movies I love so much, that stars two gay teens who fall in love and have to save the world (or part of it) — that’s so empowering, and I’m super-excited for it to finally reach readers starting today!

To celebrate I’ve teamed up with the amazing nonprofit Brave Trails on two cool things:

1) If you buy a copy of A DIFFERENT KIND OF BRAVE directly from the publisher (CR code above or this link and use the code Trails20 you’ll get 20% off and the lovely people at Chicago Review Press will share some of the revenue with Brave Trails!

2) You can donate a copy (or multiple copies) of the novel (again, make sure to use the code Trails20 so you’ll get 20% off and Brave Trails will get some of the revenue), and Brave Trails will distribute the donated copies to LGBTQIA2+ teens who participate in their programs. Here’s how to do that:

Use the CR code above or this link and when you place the donation order ship the book(s) to this address:

First Name: Brave Trails Donation
Last Name: c/o IBPA
1020 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Suite 204
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Phone: (310)-546-1818

Standard shipping is fine

This offer is available through April 30, 2024, and if it works for you, I hope you’ll consider empowering some Queer teens in this way. I’ll be donating five copies myself because it really is the perfect way to celebrate!

Shout-out to all the great folks at Brave Trails, Chicago Review Press, and the Independent Book Publishers Association for their help bringing this all together!

And here’s the launch day video — many thanks to my husband Mark for his amazing work with producing, cinematography, coaching me through the acting, and being so supportive and awesome!

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,

PS – you can learn more about Brave Trails and all their programs to empower Queer youth here.


My New Books!

cover of "Love of the Half-Eaten Peach"
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow

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