Cybils Awards Call for Judges Open Until September 10, 2021 – Do You Talk About KidLit Online (a traditional blog, YouTube, Goodreads, Instagram, Twitter, and/or TikTok)?

The great folks over at the Cybils Awards are looking for judges for 2021 children’s literature! I’ve done it in the past, and they’re right, it’s a lot of reading… It’s also completely fascinating to read multiple books in the same category, and to discuss with the other judges the relative merits of each title, and come to a consensus, and a winner!

If it sounds like a cool opportunity and a big honor to be a judge, you’re right! If you’re intrigued, click here to read their Call for Judges – and make sure to read all three of their FAQs so you have a sense of what to expect.

Good luck!

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,


My New Books!

cover of "Love of the Half-Eaten Peach"
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow

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