It’s June, and despite the difficult news cycle, there’s a bunch of things to celebrate!
Shout out to my amazing husband – we’ve been together 25 years now, and every day I’m grateful. And every day I want to spend more time with you. And every day your love gives me wings… And I love you more.
The fact that June is officially “LGBTQIA2+ Pride Month” is pretty awesome, and not something we should take for granted. Our ancestors, our community, FOUGHT for rights, for recognition, for respect. We’re still fighting for all these things today. When I found out about just parts of our amazing and empowering Queer History, I wrote a book – in fact, I wrote a few! And I put together this fun Queer History Quiz. Kind of like those BuzzFeed Which Disney Princess Castle Would You Live In? quizzes– but a whole lot queerer! (I know, the princess castle one sounds pretty queer, too, doesn’t it?) Anyway, it’s a fun way to celebrate pride – take the quiz here.
And I’ll be presenting at three book-focused pride month events coming up – more about that next week!
Until then, stay safe, and Happy Pride!
The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,