This story is really infuriating and inspiring. Infuriating: the administrator turning OFF Bryce’s microphone after Bryce said he came out as Queer his freshman year and taking his printed speech away. Inspiring: Bryce giving the speech he truly wanted to give anyway – from memory.
I particularly loved this line in Bryce’s speech:
“I needed to accept the unapologetic version of myself, for myself. We all do.” – Bryce Dershem
Watch the full video of the graduation speech posted by Bryce’s dad here on YouTube.
You can read about the administration’s shenanegans (and Bryce’s courage) as reported in the New York Times here.
It’s a homophobia smackdown, and I’m so proud of Bryce! That’s some grace under pressure. And you gotta love the rainbow pride flag worn over Bryce’s graduation gown – another thing the administration tried to stop Bryce from doing, and, again, Bryce stood proud.
The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in Bryce, and in you,