I was delighted to connect with Adria to find out more about this newly established scholarship. Here’s our chat:
Lee: Adria, I just found out that you created a scholarship for Trans picture book storytellers with the Highlights Foundation! That’s so awesome! Can you tell us more about the opportunity, and who should apply?
Adria: Sure! It’s open to any picture book creator who identifies as Transgender and is working on picture books! Writers, illustrators, writer/illustrators, new, experienced, agented, unagented, published, pre-published… as long as it’s picture books, you’re Trans, and you’re serious about publishing and improving your craft… it’s open to you. There are two opportunities per year, but the people applying select the course they think is right for them, the instructors take a look at the applications to see if they seem like good fits, and then the scholarship committee at highlights will ultimately make the decision.
Lee: Why did you establish this scholarship?
Adria: Diverse voices in children literature are critically important to the world – for kids to see themselves, to develop empathy, and to understand the world in a more complete way. I don’t think it matters whether the authors are writing about their “diverse perspective” or just writing about puppies, magic, school, or a non-fiction topic — if the author or illustrator brings a viewpoint to their writing that is different than the dominant cis/het/neuro-normative/white perspective (sorry for whichever classifications I left out!) that most children’s books are written from, I believe it will enrich the story. There are so many people out there already doing amazing work to support authors from non-dominant perspectives and I wanted to be specific about this — and as the parent of a Trans-kid and a gender-non-conforming kid, this is a perspective I am personally invested in, and one that I don’t see enough of in picture books. I also hope it means that in future years, when we see picture books coming out that feature Trans-kids, we start to see more Trans-authors writing them.
Lee: What are your hopes for it?
Adria: I hope that this scholarship will allow a Trans-author to make that breakthrough on their manuscript that makes it ready for querying or gives them the skills to tell the story they’ve been trying to figure out how to tell. I’ve benefitted enormously from the few courses I’ve taken at Highlights and when trying to understand the best way to act on my conviction that “we need more Trans-picture book authors” – it occurred to me that this may help somebody else who needs those extra skills or attention. I want to make sure that the authors I keep saying I want books from get those opportunities, too, and I’m lucky to get to act on that wish.
Lee: Anything else you want to share?
Adria: I really hope that people will apply – whether virtual or in-person and be clear about their needs. It lists a $300 travel stipend, but if getting you there and into a course works, but you can’t because it would leave you high-and-dry when it comes to childcare… say that! I’d rather the scholarship support the experience fully for authors that can’t do this for themselves than those authors/illustrators bow out because, like so many of us, the other expenses associated with going would be too much. I know a lot of people that are doing this work are also parenting, and I know that for me, whether we have childcare coverage for when I’m gone is frequently a reason I can’t make these types of things work. Tell Highlights what you need.
There you have it! A new, awesome opportunity for a Trans picture book creator! Two opportunities a year!! You can learn more and apply here.
Also, Adria’s debut picture book is coming out soon – learn more about Adria here.
The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,