Amber Ruffin’s “How Did We Get Here?” on Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

A Screen shot of the Twitter post with the Amber Ruffin Show video embedded within - an under six minute segment about Anti-Asian-American violence.

In under six minutes, Amber – a comedian who wasn’t on my radar but now is – breaks down the path that got us to this current situation, with violence and hate crimes against Asian Americans spiking, and the murder of eight people – including six Asian Americans in Atlanta – where the media’s compassion seemed to focus more on the white gunman than the people of color whose lives were senselessly stolen. Watch the video as posted on Twitter here.

She’s funny:

“It’s really impossible — Trump — to say — Trump — why something like that — Trump — would happen.”

—Amber Ruffin (0:58)

And passionate

“America does not get to hide from its racist past or present. And what we’re not going to do is act like white supremacy isn’t at the root of all this.”

—Amber Ruffin (5:00)

And heartfelt

“…And Black people will continue to stand in solidarity with our Asian family, because white supremacy is killing us. All of us.”

–Amber Ruffin (5:23)

It’s well-worth watching.

In support of all our Asian and Black and Brown communities,

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,

1 Comment

  1. Kathleen Burkinshaw

    Thank you for putting Amber on my radar. So grateful for her voice. As an Asian American it has been a somber, maddening, disappointing, and fearful time. And as a Mom and an MG/YA author, I want to show my daughter, and readers that they are not alone, that their voice matters. (The Asian Author Alliance has been a wonderful resource along with Asian and Asian American book reviewers.)
    Congratulations on your upcoming launch of “No Way, They Were Gay”. So very happy for you! And as a historical fiction writer, I look forward to finding out more about these people who made history yet hid their own.

My New Books!

cover of "Love of the Half-Eaten Peach"
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow

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