Amber LeMay’s television talk show is very adult, and fun, and airs live. I was a guest for their final pride show in June, No Way, They Were Gay is the new book by author Lee Wind on the drag queen comedy talk show!, and the on-demand video’s available now – the 18 minute segment where I talk with Amber about Queer History, No Way, They Were Gay?, Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill, Michelangelo, William Shakespeare, and more.
The full episode also includes author Robert E. Blackmon discussing his new book, Courage Behind the Mask (about his mom’s near-death experience with Covid-19), a fun segment where Robert and I get to interview each other, Amber’s take on recent news, and… I’ll stop describing it – you can watch it here.
My thanks to Amber, Russell, JaQ, and the whole Amber Live! team for the opportunity.
The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,