Sometimes we can forget the level of homophobia members of our LGBTQIA2+ community face in other countries. Alrieza’s ‘honour killing’ in Iran was reported in Pink News by Patrick Kelleher and on Twitter by human rights lawyer Gissou Nia, who wrote:
“RIP Alireza Fazeli Monfared
Brutally killed and disposed of by his family because of his sexuality. Cultural attitudes in society towards homosexuality are a literal life or death problem. What compounds the problem is when the laws of a state do not provide any protection….
Although exact statistics are unavailable, sources estimate that hundreds of people have been executed for homosexual acts since the founding of the Islamic Republic in 1979.”
It is heartbreaking. And infuriating. And the betrayal by his own family is so deeply, horribly sad. The photo of Alireza shared on Twitter shows us this young man, full of promise, who could have been any of us. But for the twist of fate where we were born, could have been me.
For those of us with the privilege of living safe and out Queer lives, we need to be proud, and loud. And for all our LGBTQIA2+ allies, we need to work together to change this world for the better.
Homophobia, like transphobia, like misogyny, like antisemitism, all these hatreds and fears of “the other” have to stop. And they’re not going to stop on their own.
Maybe doing our part is a promise we can make to Alireza. To honor him, and the life he could have led.
The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,